
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1 cup milk (almond, coconut, or dairy)
  • Fresh fruit (berries, mango, kiwi), diced
  • Honey or maple syrup, to taste
  • Parfait glasses


  1. In a bowl, mix the chia seeds and milk until well combined. Sweeten the mixture with honey or maple syrup to taste.
  2. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight, allowing the chia seeds to absorb the liquid and thicken into a pudding-like consistency.
  3. Once the chia pudding has set, begin layering it with the diced fresh fruit in parfait glasses.
  4. Repeat the layers of chia pudding and fresh fruit until the glasses are filled, finishing with a layer of fruit on top.
  5. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.
  6. Enjoy this nutritious and delicious chia seed parfait as a wholesome breakfast or satisfying snack!